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Microbiome Intelligence

We facilitate superior plant nutrition

from seed to yield

RoganBrown microbiome paper sculpture illustration
Image by Max Raber

Plant nutrition paradigms are changing​

Most nutrients are in the soil

A diverse microbiome can deliver them to plants

Symbiotic seed soil microbiome

Microbial Fertilization

Intelligent interactions between plants and microbes unlock nutrients from soil particles, nourishing crops exactly when they need it.


The overuse of agrochemicals damages these complex interactions, depleting vital natural elements from the soil and trapping farmers in a costly cycle.


By introducing ReGen's diverse and complex beneficial microbes, farmers can biologically fertilize their crops and reduce their agrochemical bill, while regenerating plant and soil health, improving nutrient recycling, capturing water and carbon in their soils and becoming more productive and resilient overall.

Plants Love Our Microbes

Next generation biologicals


Early, vigorous seed germination

Seeds coated with our microbes emerge earlier and grow faster giving them an edge when competing with weeds and requiring less external synthetic agrochemicals


Boosts yield & nutrient uptake

Through the course of the plant's life our microbiome interacts with its roots delivering it on-demand nutrients so it has the optimal conditions to produce high yields while helping keep pathogens at bay 


Biodegradable, indigenous and nature positive

Our microbes are non-GMO, naturally occuring and locally sourced. Our microbial growing system uses natural materials and gentle processes that are energy efficient and closes organic waste loops


Regenerates healthy resilient soil

The symbiosis between crops and our introduced microbiome builds back better soil structure, recycles nutrients and sequesters carbon & water, providing farmers with backup to challenging seasons  

Seed coating Soil microbiome
Biopolymer seed coating microbiome
Nutrient biofertilization for agriculture
Microbiome soil microbiology


ReGen is developing technologies for cultivating complex & diverse microbiomes for various crops.
As a first step of regeneration, we coat the microbiome onto seeds. Our delivery system ensures a successful symbiosis, fertilizing and protecting plants from germination.

More biologicals are in development to accelerate soil and plant health regeneration throughout the growing season.

Founding Team

We combine passion and deep knowledge of soil microbiome and regenrative agriculture, ensuring our technology empowers farmers and restores ecological soil functions

Regenerate With Us

Phone: 054-6409-889

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